KoKo Enterprises is a South Korean animation studio owned by Tokyo Movie Shinsha and Sega. It animated a number of episodes of 101 Dalmatians: The Series. While it mainly does work for Warner Brothers, it has done animation services for other Disney shows, such as Gargoyles and The Proud Family.
Episodes with their animation[]
- "He Followed Me Home"
- "No Train, No Gain"
- "The Dogs of DeVil"
- "Four Stories Up"
- "Roll Out the Pork Barrel"
- "Barnboozled"
- "Cadet of the Month"
- "Lobster Tale"
- "Shipwrecked"
- "The Life You Save"
- "On the Lamb"
- "Walk a Mile in My Tracks"
- "Snow Bounders"
- "Gnaw or Never"
- "Cupid Pups"
- "Humanitarian of the Year" (Wraparounds)
- "Beauty Pageant Pandemonium"
- "Hog-Tied"
- "Cone Head"
- "Best of Show"
- "My Fair Moochie"